
I currently work with Prof. Brian Umberger at the Locomotion Research Lab as a postdoctoral research fellow. The central theme of my work has been the use of experimental and simulation based methods to understand and predict human and animal locomotion. This is currently being applied to understand how gait changes with age, and how these changes lead to increased fatigue.

I have worked with Prof. Chandramouli Krishnan and Prof. Elliott J. Rouse on experimental biomechanics methods and system identification techniques to characterize ankle impedance in stroke survivors. I also studied the effects of Botox therapy on these impedance properties.

I am a graduate of the PhD program in mechanical Engineering at the Ohio State University. During my graduate studies, I worked with  Prof. Manoj Srinivasan. My graduate research was focused on studying human walking stability and human-structure interaction using computational and experimental methods. In addition to my dissertation, I've worked on small projects for various courses and for my own entertainment. Details about these projects can be found in the projects section.

A copy of my CV can be found here. My ORCiD page is here.

A list of journal publications and conference presentations can be founds here, and links to articles in the press about my work can be found here.